Originally from Austria, Marco Riha started his long creative journey in Sri Lanka in 1995. After painting and traveling for some years, he found his creative home base in Mexico.
André Breton describes Surrealism as ‘psychic automatism in its pure state’. For decades Riha has been experimenting with this automatic painting technique, unaware of being a modern-day Surrealist. The self-taught artist drew encouragement from a Québécois resplendent anarchistic art movement called Les Automatistes. Their unacademic, 'total refusal' approach to art provided Riha with a home in art history.
Experimentations with all types of mediums include a long fascination with oils on canvas - a symbolic period filled with therapeutic releases, inner and outer travel logs and first screams in color. The 'colorDrops' series from 2014 mark the beginning of the artist's abstract works. This current period includes socio-political pieces about liberty, tolerance, ecocide, division and unity.
Marco Riha has been published in several international art magazines and his work has been shown worldwide, in venues like the Saatchi and FOLD Gallery in London, the Rome Art Week, Arte Bratislava Castle in Slovakia and most recently with Primo Piano LivinGallery, one of the leading galleries in Southern Italy.
2024/11 Biography of a Traveller by Primo Piano LivinGallery, IT
2024/05 Arte Bratislava Castle, SK
2024/05 Time Machine by Primo Piano LivinGallery, Lecce, IT
2024/03 Firenze contemporary III by Rossocinabro Gallery, IT
2024/02 RenovArt by Carmela Loiacono Art Curator, Matera, IT
2023/10 Rome Art Week by Rossocinabro Gallery, IT
2023/05 Tracce del tempo by Primopiano LivinGallery, Lecce, IT
2021/11 Dubai Art Expo, UAE
2021/10 Tokyo International Art Fair, Roppongi, JP
2021/09 Fold Gallery, 'Colour of Emotion', London, UK
2021/08 Saatchi Gallery, 'Colour of Life', London, UK
2021/06 Atelier Richelieu, 'Share your Identity', Paris, FR
2020/01 Artboxprojects Miami, US
2019 Jardín Botánico, 'Artistas por la Paz', Puerto Morelos, MX
2018/09 Olympus Tours Gallery, 'Alas', Cancun, MX
2017 Artboxprojects Basel, CH
2015/05 Las Galerías, 'Art Walk', Puerto Morelos, MX
2012/09 Hotel Asiana, 'Behind the Surface', Dubai, UAE
2011/04 Galerie am Schillerplatz, "Wanderjahre”, Wien, AT
2025/01 Investment & Collectors' Guide by Art Market Experts, HK
2025/01 Featured Artist by Vinterior, London, UK
2025/01 Artists to Watch 2025 by Art Tour International, USA
2024/11 Itinerari nell'Arte, IT
2024/09 Contemporary Art Collectors, Madrid, ES
2024/08 Featured Artist by Artsy, USA
2024/07 Contemporary Art Curator Magazine, UAE
2024/05 Time Machine by Puglia In, IT
2024/04 Art Radar by New & Abstract, Berlin, DE
2024/03 Emotions by Artascent, CA
2023/06 Voices of Dissent by Insights of an Eco Artist, Lisbon, PT
2023/04 Art for Peace Book by ICM Gestora Cultural, Barcelona, ES
2023/01 Smart Artist Hub, London, UK
2022/07 ARTMAGAZINEUM Cover, Istanbul, TR
2021/11 Featured Artist by Artsper, FR
2021/12 Artist of the Month, ARTJOBS.COM, US
2021/10 Winner of the Special Prize, Mellow Art Award, JP
2020/09 Arthabens Contemporary Art Review, London, UK
2020/04 AlTiba9 Contemporary Art, Barcelona, ES
2019/12 WOTISART? London, UK
2018/01 La Verdad Noticias, Cancun, MX
elephant in the room
tint & spray paint, 30x30cm, 2025
Primo Piano LivinGallery 2024
On a Quest with 12 art pieces / Music by 'FANTA4'
(click on Vimeo icon to enter full screen)
Inside perspective into the Art of Marco Riha